Build authentic relationships that foster belonging, accountability and growth.

The world teaches men that authentic = weak. From an early age, we are trained that position, wealth and power dictate success, reinforced by messages like ‘big boys don’t cry’ and ‘never let ‘em see you sweat’.

Stop believing the lie that you can thrive in isolation.

Instead, join us on the journey from broken to whole.

  • Prepare to Move

    This journey requires action on your part. It’s time to get out of the boat and take the next step.

  • Embrace Discomfort

    This journey is messy and challenging, but it leads to deep healing and connection.

  • Get Real

    This journey requires honesty and vulnerability. It’s time to remove the masks we hide behind.

Foxhole Symphony is a podcast about the transformational value of men in authentic community.


Foxhole Symphony: The joyful noise that emanates from the collective offering of authenticity and vulnerability among a group of trusted brothers.

So, who is in your foxhole?